CIO Insights are written by Angeles' CIO Michael Rosen
Michael has more than 35 years experience as an institutional portfolio manager, investment strategist, trader and academic.
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Published: 10-15-2014Like Scary Nights at Universal Studios (where my daughter went this weekend), it really is scary out there. I Walked into the office looking at a 300-point drop in the Dow and a +10% jump in 10-year Treasuries.
I doubt anyone woke up this morning and decided that sub-2% yields for the next decade is actually a great investment. No, it’s a classic sign of panic.
I have no idea how much further we fall, but it’s not a black hole we’re in.
I don’t believe in catching falling knives (throwing metaphors around this morning), but I see the markets much as my daughter saw Universal Studios: scary, for sure, but actually, kinda fun too (after she exited the park).
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