Insights from our CIO
Insights from our CIO
CIO Insights are written by Angeles' CIO Michael Rosen
Michael has more than 35 years experience as an institutional portfolio manager, investment strategist, trader and academic.
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1 Oct, 2001
3rd Quarter 2001 - Freedom
September. On the 17th of that month in 1862, 23,000 Americans were killed or wounded near a little town in Maryland on the banks of the Potomac River called Antietam. It was the bloodiest day inrnAmerican history.
1 Jul, 2001
2nd Quarter 2001 - Keeping the Top Down
Summer means morning fog along the California coast. It usually burns off by afternoon, but not always. No matter; the top of my convertible is always down, because the view is better. Not always good, especially in this market, just better.
1 Apr, 2001
1st Quarter 2001 - Trials, Tribulations... & Tips
Unless your portfolio has been stuffed with Treasury bonds, you are suffering through the worst period of portfolio returns in a generation. You probably didnÂ't need that reminder, but I hope we can put some perspective around this current market...